You Can’t Stop This Robot! The Unitree G1 Is Back And Nothing Is Gonna Stop This Dance!

Unitree G1 Dancing Robot does it again!

Haters are gonna say it’s fake. After Unitree showed off their robot dance last week, it was so unbelievably good that many people simply didn’t believe it and thought it was just a CGI fake. So Unitree went one step further. They got the robot to repeat the dance in front of a mirror while being abused in a variety of ways.

Quite why the robot had to be attacked to prove that it wasn’t fake. I’m not sure. I do not approve of robot abuse, and I wouldn’t recommend it to any humans. These robots have long memories. Regardless, this was another amazing demonstration from unitree. You just can’t stop this robot from doing its thing.

The groove is too strong in this one.

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